I enjoy staying busy! I am not a person to sit down for very long. I enjoy teaching fitness classes
as one of my hobbies. I do this because I LOVE it, and I absolutely love teaching and leading
others along side me. I most enjoy teaching strength classes, or classes that focus on flexibility
and balance. Outside of my career of physical therapy and fitness world, I love making
sourdough bread. Really, anything sourdough! I make just about everything for my family and
even for friends. I also enjoy singing at my church on the worship team. I love knowing that I can
use my gifts and talents to serve God and bless my local church family.
I have a degree in exercise science and physical therapy, but it wasn’t because I loved exercise,
it was because I wanted to help people achieve their goals and accomplish their dreams. This
philosophy fits perfectly into the fitness industry as well! Ashley Martin started Fitness NOW in
2014, 3 years after I graduated from college. Prior to that time, I exercised on a random basis,
mostly just running. When Ashley started her business, I wanted to support her, so I attended
her bootcamps and fell in LOVE with exercise for myself, really for the very first time.As I saw
my own personal growth and how it changed my life, I wanted to be a part of sharing that with
others. When Ashley asked me to help teach classes for Fitness NOW, I was nervous, but was
so excited to help others too! It’s grown to be a passion of mine and a part of my life.
I have 2 different approaches to my style of coaching: evidence-based and holistic/well-being
approaches. I enjoy teaching classes with a well-rounded approach, addressing strengthening
from a variety of proven methods that keeps things exciting and fresh, and also utilizing all
aspects of fitness including flexibility, balance, and mobility. I believe that every person feels
their best when they work on all aspects of fitness in their workouts. Along the lines of being
evidenced based, having proper form and technique is important to me, and I feel that with each
class I teach, I emphasize this by giving a lot of verbal and visual cues, and by providing
modifications to make sure every person feels like they are able to accomplish the tasks being
asked of them in a safe, effective way.
I believe one of my key strengths is my love and compassion for others. I love seeing every
person in a fitness class thriving with each exercise, even if it looks different from person to
person. I accomplish this by providing modifications for almost every exercise I utilize in my
classes. I also believe I am good at providing encouragement, constantly giving feedback and
praise to my class as I teach. I also enjoy research, and believe this is a strength when it comes
to providing data-driven training methods.
If you are someone who is afraid to start something new because of fear of the unknown, or
because you don’t feel like you know what you’re doing and you don’t want people to stare at
you because you’re doing something “wrong”, then I encourage you to try one of my classes. No
matter what type of class I am teaching, I strive to make each person feel confident and
capable, no matter what the fitness level. I will encourage you along the way, give you feedback
on your form if you need or ask for it, and will give any sort of modification needed for you to be
able to do the class at YOUR best ability. Whether it’s flexibility, balance, mobility, or strength, I
enjoy seeing people grow, whether you start from zero experience or at a high athletic level.